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GETTING TO GRIPS - The Life & Work of Dennis Fraser

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

The Book Ed Lancaster has written about 'The Life & Work of Dennis Fraser' has now been published and, is available to purchase.

Dennis has generously donated all the proceeds to the Grips Benevolent Fund in their entirety. This is a coffee table hardback edition. The price is £25+P&P but you can make a larger donation if you wish.

As the Branch Treasurer is working abroad, to order a copy please contact either Keith Mead 07885273186 or Tony Rowland 07790909771 with your name, address, telephone number and amount you want to donate and they will give you payment details over the phone to transfer the monies into the Grips Branch Benevolent Charity account at The Unity Trust Bank. Payment should be made prior to purchase.

Chapman UK will be dispatching the books. This is a very informative read about Gripping, with many iconic on-set photos. hope you all enjoy it. Thank you to both Dennis and Ed for their generousity and endeavors over this three year project.

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