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Hair, Make-up & Prosthetic Branch Statement #worktolive

Today, the Hair, Make-up & Prosthetic Branch released a statement in response to Pact's latest guidance notes and the stalled negotiations. Please share this post and help the #worktolive Campaign to spread the word about the way Crew are being treated in the UK.

"This statement is being released to clarify our updated position as a community with regards the current renegotiation of the Television Agreement and the released statement from PACT regarding the above and dated “Guidance April 22”

Our jobs as Hair and Make-up and Prosthetic Artists are often subject to terms on set such as “the glam squad”, “faffing about” and “the powder puff brigade”. This is disrespectful and shows a lack of knowledge and understanding of how our department works and what we actually do.

The cold hard reality is it takes several years of training to become a full Hair, Make- up or Prosthetic Artist along with continual professional development. We take pride in our job. We are a professional department, integral to the artistic realization of the production and as such, we should be treated with respect.

No one should be treated less favourably regardless of their position, gender or department. We want to contribute to making fantastic Film & TV in a fair and happy environment.

At the start of the renegotiation process, the BECTU HMU&P branch were disappointed that the hair & make-up department were singled out by PACT in a letter to BECTU relating to Prep and Wrap. Their response showed a serious and unfortunate lack of understanding of our job. We replied, stating our case and correcting their assumptions. Unfortunately, the recent statement from PACT has provoked an unprecedented backlash amongst the HMU&P community at large. They resent the implication that their work is not technical or tied to the camera and have asked we release this statement clarifying our position.

It is apparent to us that PACT consider the actual application of hair, make-up and prosthetics as “Prep”.

Let us be clear.

Application of hair, make-up and prosthetics on actors and SA’s requires our skilled work. Our department refer to this as “The Call”.

Our department requires prep time in order to prepare for “The Call”. It is not incidental work and is not the same as "The Call” but requires equal levels of dedication and skill.

Although it is contrary to the latest PACT guidance, many productions are now offering 30/30 as Prep and Wrap which is broadly welcomed as a step in the right direction, bringing us in line with the MMP agreement.

However, whilst PACT consider Prep and Wrap as being accounted for within a daily rate, the perception by many HMU&P Artists is that they are being asked to “give time for free”. HMU&P Artists consider this demoralising, especially when what PACT are proposing with their latest guidance document (titled ‘Update On PACT-BECTU TV Drama Agreement (dated April 2022)) is up to 90 minutes aggregated. This would mean HMU&P departments would be carrying out departmental “Prep” plus the skilled “Call” all within what PACT consider “Prep” time. This is asking them to work even more time “for free” and indeed contradicts PACT’s own 2019 guidance given out to their own members which states ....

“Prep and Wrap times should always reflect normal industry practice and cover the type of activity typically covered by Prep and Wrap. It will not usually, for example, be appropriate to ask a grip to do a substantial de-rig as part of Wrap”

Why ask US then?

There is no place for any kind of discrimination in 2022. Parity is the only way forward.

In order to redress the balance, we wish to state our position for future discussions with PACT and also to clarify what we do within the working day.

Our position moving forward

  1. We ask for parity with other departments on set - that our daily rates are based on a 10 + 1 standard working day.

  2. Prep and Wrap will not be included. Overtime will be required for any work outside of the unit call hours.

  3. HOD’s will maintain and assist in dialogue with productions on how to help schedule this work in order to avoid excessive length of working day for the health and welfare of crew.

As a department we want on going, meaningful discussions with PACT, in unity with our colleagues in the other branches, to improve an agreement on working terms and conditions for Television Production

Clarification of terms used and activities within our general working day

Activities Included as part of Set Up (Prep)

  • HMU&P artist prepares their place for the first actor/SA.

  • Turn on electrical equipment so it is ready at the correct temperature.

  • Ensure room is a suitable working environment for HMU&P team and actors.

  • Preparing make-up and wigs ready for application.

  • Check call sheet, notes and prepare continuity for the day ahead.

  • Removing from moulds and laying out prosthetics.

  • Unloading / offloading equipment / kit & set up.

  • Briefing of HMU&P teams whether main team or in a crowd room.

Activities considered part of “The Call “or “Pre-Call”

• Applying make-up/wigs/hairstyling/prosthetics etc. to an actor or SA.

During the “shooting day” we will also be:

  • On Set to cover the actors checks and for any on set changes, effects, continuity and/or unforeseen issues.

  • Re-dressing wigs or pieces or creating prosthetics for future scenes.

  • Fitting new actors for upcoming scenes at unit base.

  • Updating any continuity or checking schedules for changes.

  • Facilitating detailed changes that require our facilities at unit base.

  • Applying make-up/wigs/hairstyling/prosthetics to subsequent actors also filming later that day.

Activities considered part of the “De-rig”

  • Taking off make-up, hair pieces, facial hair and SFX (de-rig) of actors and SAs.

  • Aftercare of skin and hair.

  • Major redressing of wigs & facial.

  • Preparation/making of prosthetic pieces for the following day.

  • Ensuring continuity notes are up to date. 5. Activities included as part of Pack Down (Wrap)

  • Cleaning room or trailers for the following day.

  • Packing down of truck or marquee ready for a unit move.

  • Dailies packing down and load equipment/ kits

We Call upon all our community to support Bectu in our quest for fairer and better working terms and conditions within TV Drama."

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1 Comment

Unknown member
May 04, 2022

A very reasonable stance to take. Go for it!

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