Over the past year, we have been collating the History of Gripping from the Branch's perspective. This has been collated by the Branch with the help of veteran Grip's including Dennis Fraser and Tony Rowland.
This history has now been published and is available to read.
Hopefully there's some things in there you didn't know.
We're always happy to get feedback, if you think we missed anything out let us know.
Don't forget if you want to read more about the history of the Grip Department you can in Dennis' book. Available here (https://www.gripsbranch.org.uk/product-page/getting-to-grips-the-life-and-work-of-dennis-fraser) - remember ALL proceeds from the sale of the book goes to the Grips Branch Charity.
Thankyou to all involved with putting that together. A lot of works gone into it so well done!