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Tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II

Dear All

Whatever our views on the Royal Family I am sure we can all agree it is a significant moment in our lives. None of us has known our country without Queen Elizabeth as its monarch. As with any other family, our thoughts and prayers are with those closest to her.

There will be so much written and broadcast - much prepared over many years - that it is very difficult for me to say anything that others won't express much better.

My reflection on behalf of us as a Branch is only this. The Queen represented so much that we love about our country: constancy; dedication; tradition alongside openness to change and modernity; and commitment to her family and nation.

We join our country in mourning and as a branch will participate fully in this national moment.

Dave Cross

Branch Chair.

340 views4 comments


Unknown member
Sep 09, 2022

So well put Dave , there will only be a few members that have had a King in their lifetime for the rest of us she has been there all our lives RIP your Majesty you will be missed


Unknown member
Sep 09, 2022

Well said Dave


Unknown member
Sep 09, 2022

A fitting tribute from our chairman. May I just add. “This Royal throne of kings, this sceptre’d isle. This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars. This other Eden, demi-paradise. This fortress built by Nature for herself: Against infection and the hand of war. This happy breed of men, this little world. This precious stone set in the silver sea….. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm This England. A speech by John of Gaunt in Shakespeare’s Richard 11. 


Unknown member
Sep 09, 2022

Well said Dave, I'm sure we all agree 100%, that she has been a wonderful example of quiet leadership and was revered around the world.

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