PACT and BECTU are currently in negotiations to review and clarify aspects of the independent TV Drama Agreement.
During the initial constructive meeting, which took place on 30th September 2021 both parties agreed the objective of talks was to deliver an unambiguous agreement without the need for additional guidance. Together we acknowledged that published guidance issued by Pact and Bectu has been a source of friction between producers and crew. Our aim is to continue the negotiations and update any sections of the agreement that have caused disagreement as soon as possible.
For clarity, any guidance produced by Pact or Bectu is independent of the agreement. It does not form any part of the collective agreement.
Upon successful conclusion of the talks Pact and Bectu commit to withdrawing all existing guidance and working together to review and resolve jointly any differences without the need for issuing separate guidance.
Signed: Max Rumney on behalf of PACT & Spencer MacDonald on behalf of BECTU
Please show this document to any and all members of Production that are trying to use the Guidance as the agreement.